Websites Design


Web developers are often challenged by the task of writing thousands of lines of code to create a website. We know you are excited to see beautiful websites and want to make them.

More is needed to be proficient in programming languages. You also need to understand data formats, testing, and authentication. This article will cover essential topics that web developers should know.


These three building blocks are the essential skills or knowledge every developer needs to master. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The front end will use HTML and CSS for interfaces. Right-click on the web browser to view its source. The structure of your website will be shown. You’ll see which HTML tags are being used for various purposes.

CSS is also used at the front end to decide the style, design, layout, and the way HTML elements should be displayed on the screen.

Javascript is in high demand and is responsible for making HTML pages interactive and dynamic. Javascript can also be used with various languages, such as PHP and Python. This will make your website interactive. You’ll need to dive deep into Javascript to specialize in MEAN Stack and MERN stack.


Git is a popular version control system that most organizations use. If you are a web developer, there is a higher chance that you will need to learn this version control. You should learn Git commands such as cloning and pushing to repositories, making pull requests, merging branches, and other basic commands.

GitHub allows you to push your Git repositories and host your code. It’s used to collaborate or allow developers to work together on projects.

3.Browser DevTools

Browser DevTools can do many things, including debugging, editing HTML elements and CSS properties, checking devices, and tracking javascript errors. Each developer must know the different tabs (elements console, network, etc.). DevTools can make developers’ work more efficient and quicker. You can use DevTools, Chrome DevTools, and Firefox DevTools, depending on your browser. While most people prefer Chrome DevTools to develop, test and debug web applications, it is up to the developer to decide which browser to use.

4.API (Application Programming Interface).

You will use APIs a lot in web development. This deals with third-party data. This allows developers to access some functionality without having to share the code. It is a great GitHub repository with APIs you can use for many purposes. This also provides a wealth of ideas for project development. To explore the Public APIs link, you can visit the end.

Learn about Rest APIs and HTTP request methods (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE), how to build a Rest API, and the CRUD operation (Create/Read, Update, Delete). Many different status codes and data formats (JSON, HTML, or XML) can be used in the request.


You may need to use user authentication to track users on a particular website. You could allow users to log in, log out, or create resources from their accounts. This will show you who created what resource and block pages that aren’t logged in. Authentication is a key component of user account security. Understanding how to handle these types of functionality in your web app is important.

There are many ways to provide authentication for users. It all depends on the technology or programming language you use. You might use JWT (JSON Web Tokens). If you’re using React as the front end and Node with Express as the back end, you can use JWT (JSON Web Tokens). If you use Php, you’ll need a session and cookies. Third parties, such as Google and Twitter, can also be used for authentication. There are many ways to implement authentication, but it is an essential concept in web development.

6.MVC (Model, View, Controller)

MVC is a design style that developers can use to save time. It allows them to split the entire application into three separate sections. MVC makes development easier and faster. Many higher-level frameworks, such as Django and Laravel (based on MVT close enough to MVC), are based on MVC patterns. The Model in MVC is all about database interaction. The view is responsible for what the user sees, and the controller acts between the view and the model. MVC can help you understand programming languages and frameworks.

7.Programming Languages (Backend)

Computers can’t understand human language, so you must communicate with your system using programming languages. Programming languages are essential to web development. You can use a variety of programming languages to apply all logic. Web developers, including Ruby, Java, Ruby, and PHP, use various programming languages. Recently, Javascript has also been introduced to help with the backend. To build your web app, you must be proficient in at least one programming language.

8.Problem-Solving, Searching

You must have natural problem-solving and search skills if you want to be a web developer. You can improve your problem-solving and search skills by working on some projects. You will need to search for information, syntax, or a solution to some problems while developing web applications, no matter how experienced or a beginner you are. There will be many strange errors that you need to learn about. You can use the help of Google or the StackOverflow communities.

9.Writing tests

Many developers view these tests as unnecessary and a waste. You can skip writing tests for small applications. However, if you’re building large applications, we recommend that you write unit tests and other types. This will make your entire process more robust and allow you to debug faster. Although you may initially feel like you are wasting time, it will eventually save you time.

10.DevOps and Deployment

Last but not least, web developers should be able to manage, scale, migrate, and deploy their code on various platforms. Many options are available, so take some time to learn about them, how they work, and how to deploy your code.

Bonus Point: SEO

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is one of the most crucial aspects of building a website. SEO is essential for any website. You must be knowledgeable about SEO before you start creating websites. A website that does not comply with search engine optimization can be severely damaged. If the link structure of the website you created is correct, search engines can crawl it, and it will get a low rank. To avoid this problem, ensure your website has good SEO.


The entire developer community is there to help you if you are looking to improve your skills. It takes time to master all the skills, but you can improve your skills by reading and learning more. These hacks will help you grow as a web developer.


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