Although web development may not be something you deal with every day, it can have a significant impact on your business’ success. Bill Gates once stated, “If you don’t have your business on the internet, your business will go out of business.”
Although it may sound like a propaganda tactic to convince businesses to get websites, this is a valid observation in today’s market. This article will give you tips to make the most of your interactions and relationships with web developers.
Designate a main point of contact
It is best to send all communications to your web development company’s designated point of contact or account manager when communicating with them. They are specially trained to assign tasks to the best people to handle your requests. You can keep their contact information handy so you can get in touch with them quickly.
You can also designate a person from your company to be your liaison. This will ensure that information is conveyed effectively. This will ensure that important information about a request and a project specification are not lost in translation. Your liaison should be able to communicate the company’s goals, thoughts, and wishes for your website. The business may need to hold internal meetings prior to the design meeting. This will help ensure that all stakeholders in your company have a common vision of how your new website should look. Last but not least, make sure you keep your account manager informed of any changes to the website’s design and functionality.
Make sure you are prepared
Spend time with your Account Manager to talk about and decide what to say. Here are some things to consider:
- Your message to your users
- How do you want the user to interact with your website?
- You may also be interested in other websites. Make sure you note any design elements or features that you enjoy about these websites.
- Take a look at what your competitors are doing. Is it possible to duplicate or add similar features to your website? What are your options for improving that feature on your website?
- It’s important to plan ahead for the content. If you are starting from scratch, or doing a redesign, it can take twice as long. It’s not necessary to know everything by the first meeting with your account manager. However, it is important to remember that content creation is time-consuming. Global Reach’s Internet Marketing Team has extensive experience in information architecture and content planning.
Speak up
You should let the designer know if you have any questions or concerns about the design. You need to distinguish between a design element or a development part of a project. Waiting until the production process is complete will mean that you have turned two pieces of the project into one. This could lead to additional time for the person who handles revisions. Web development companies will understand that things can change and that these moments may arise. However, it is crucial that you, the client, understand the implications of these requests.
Understanding the Process
It is crucial that you carefully read the proposal and are familiar with the entire implementation process, from the planning stages through to the launch day. This will help you to establish communication channels and understand the roles of each party. These are only a few of the things you should consider when preparing for your web project. Every company’s process is different. This article will help you prepare for your project. However, you’re not the only one in this endeavour! Your account manager is available to help you. They have the expertise to guide you through your choices and make sure that your transition from your old website into your new one is smooth.